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Silent install parameter for Internet Explorer

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Sep 2014 12:01

I'm trying to install Fireshot silently on some machines here in my company.
I tried some parameters to get the .exe to install silently, but none has worked so far.
(I tried /qn, /silent, /S, /quiet)

Any ideas on which parameter I should use or which installer the Fireshot exe uses? I read Nullsoft, but that parameter isn't working either. :-(

Greetings from Germany,
Posted:  18 Sep 2014 13:25
I tried the latest version with the /S key and it worked for me.
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Posted:  05 Dec 2014 11:25
Hello JK, hello spookykcs,

I have got an similar problem. The '/s'-Switch works, but the installation tries to install to ALL Browsers, that are supported, But, for example, chrome is not installes an my machine. Ist there a switch, to install only the version for Internet Explorer (11)?
And my next poblem:
Do you a way to activate the Add-On for all other Users on that machine?

Pages: 1

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