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Miss Spell word Working in the General Settings page

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Dec 2008 08:31
FireShot General Settings page is words "Woking Folder" whitout "r" and those spose to be "Working Folder", I think?

Not a serious problem/bug only the cosmetic error.

Thank you to the very good soft-plugin!

I have latest Pro version and I'm very happy with it!
Posted:  03 Dec 2008 11:25
Fixed, thank you. By the way, what do you think about grammar used in plugin in general? I'm not a native english-speaking person, so it's interesting for me how does it look for native ones.

Glad to hear that Pro makes people happier.  thumb_up
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  03 Dec 2008 12:18

I'm not a native english-speaking person too I'm from Finland and my English is bad, but because I'm testing personel I often notice some mistakes and give information for those.

About grammar used in plugin in general is quite good - I mean understandable or what is the word?

I'm very pleased about that plugin and I have two Pro license my office and one Pro license at home and I have tell that very fine opportunity most of my friends.
Pages: 1

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