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Screenshot chrome extension Pro Desktop Application

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Nov 2016 23:04

I've been using Fireshot Pro since 2010 and I have both the Desktop App as well as the screenshot extension for both Firefox/Chrome. I was able to upgrade the screenshot chrome extension from regular Fireshot to Fireshot PRO without any issues.

I received a new computer and I was trying to install the FireShot Desktop version only which the download link can be found here:

https://screenshot-program.com/downloads.php - (Screenshot Studio 1.9.9blink

After installed this desktop version, I tried entering in my License information to convert this as well from regular Fireshot to Fireshot Pro but its stating the my user name/password is invalid. This worked a few years ago but now its not. Is the desktop version not supported anymore? Thanks for the help.

Pages: 1



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