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Problem registering Fireshot Pro with IE 9 on windows 7 x64

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Dec 2011 13:44
when I try to register the FireShot plugin with IE 9 on Windows 7 x64 I get an error:
"The license information for this application is missing or invalid. You must enter a valid license key to use this program".

With Firefox I do not have any kind of problem ...

Obviously I have:
- checked 30 times the license data (the name and the code are the ones received by email)
- started IE in both 32 and 64 bit modes
- started IE as administrator (for both 32 and 64 modes)

But the problem is the same ...

Please let me know id there is some caveat that I do not know ...

Posted:  20 Jun 2013 21:31
Hi Dan, have you tried this with the latest version yet?
Pages: 1

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