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Is the Fireshot Screen Capture Utility Safe?

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Nov 2017 11:25
I run Windows 7 and use FF 11.  I downloaded and installed this utility with no problem.  But when I approved it to install also on I.E., NIS had a problem with it.  Stating "fireshot-container-0.98.exe detected by SONAR.  Quarantined.  Program was behaving suspiciously on your computer and removed."

It's still is running on FF, so am not sure what was removed/quarantined.  Maybe it stopped it accessing I.E.  Don't know.  Checking further into details in the History portion of NIS it said Fireshot had performed three actions which caused Sonar to reject it.  I'm glad NIS stopped whatever process was occuring, but FireShot gets good reviews from lots of folks on the Mozilla forums page.  Just wondering and would appreciate your thoughts as to what happened.  And is Fireshot safe?
Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

infographic examples
Posted:  16 Nov 2017 13:25
However, this topic looks to be a spam, I'll answer the question.

Short answer is: FireShot is safe.

Long answer is: FireShot is safe, because if it were some kind of malware, you will not be just one person asking about that. FireShot is used by more than 1700000 users. Suppose it contains malicious code - how many topics would you find here/in Google/in Store? (Hint: for almost 10 years of development).
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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