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Icon in Firefox

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Aug 2015 20:59
In spite of deactivating the option the addon icon persist in showing in Firefox bar.
Please fix it.
Thanks in advance.
Posted:  10 Aug 2015 02:28
In order to make the icon disappeared is to click on it and another click on Properties. It is really very annoying.
Any attempt to fix it?
Posted:  13 Aug 2015 10:31
Cannot re-create this issue. Perhaps, could you provide more info?

Warning before posting bugreports: please take into account that your bugreports will be ignored if you don't include the following info about your problem:

    Plugin version (i.e. FireShot 0.98.15)
    OS type and version (i.e. MS Windows XP Professional SP2, English)
    Version of browser (i.e. Firefox/30.0)
    Steps to reproduce the bug (i.e. Start browser, open FireShot editor, create a shape and try to save - you'll get an access violation xxxxxx)
    Webpage URL causing this problem

Logs are greatly appreciated! To get them, press Ctrl+Shift+J in browser and copy the contents of the browser console.

Please include as much additional info as you can because even a small detail can speed up the process of fixing the bug. Thank you for your assistance, your help is much appreciated.

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  14 Aug 2015 19:11
I could not get rid of an icon via Preferences setting.
I have managed to do it by dragging the icon out using Customisation option in Firefox. It seems to work for now.
Pages: 1

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