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Delete selections

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 May 2020 18:56
Dear Sirs,

Having used (mostly happily, though for a short time only) this software, I wonder if it is me missing / failing to find a certain feature, or that it really isn't there.

To the point: after capturing a Web (full or part) page's image and opting to edit it, I could find no way to remove / erase parts of it (just cropping it is not enough, as the end-result I am looking for may contain several sections of the image, while cropping allows for a single one).

You may see the kind of parts deletion / inclusions I am looking for in the Chrome / Firefox extension "Print Edit WE".

Your insight on the above will be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance for helpful your attention to this matter,

Keep safe and keep up the great work,

Pages: 1



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