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Multi-Page captures converted to PDF no longer works

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 May 2020 18:36
I have version . of Pro on Chrome and Windows 10.  It no longer produces multi-page pdfs even though the option is set to do it always.  I've also tried capture+edit and then saving as a pdf, with the same result.
Posted:  01 May 2020 20:25
Hello. The splitting to page is now an automatic decision taken by FireShot (we'll change this in the next update), and it depends on the length of the page. Can you please try capturing *really long* page to check that?
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Posted:  27 May 2020 16:59
I have version v. and my caputres are in PDF only one page, so impossible to print and work on it. On my prior version (???) it worked fine, producing pages.
Please look at that issue: it is very, very important!
Posted:  05 Jun 2020 02:16   Last Edited By: JK
Sorry for the delay in responding: can you please check this setting in the Options?

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  12 Jun 2020 01:46
I have version v. and settings set to "Ask" and it never asks.  When I have it set to "Create automatically" it will often create a PDF with separate pages, but the pages are so long and so wide that Adobe Acrobat X Pro will not do OCR on them because they exceed Adobe's maximum size limits for OCR.  If I put the web browser to display on only half my screen instead of full-screen, I can sometimes obtain sensible page breaks.  Seems like it should not be this hard.
Posted:  12 Jun 2020 22:24
It won't be so hard in the next FireShot update. A small insider's surprise for you: you don't need anymore to run Adobe OCR, because we've made PDFs text-searchable.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  22 Jun 2020 18:47
TheIntersect wrote:

If I put the web browser to display on only half my screen instead of full-screen, I can sometimes obtain sensible page breaks.

Thank you - thats the trick for the moment.
Posted:  18 Dec 2020 17:39
I have version for Chrome and Firefox v.0.98.98 and on both of them my caputres of a longer web page shot in PDF format only end up on one page  NO page breaks   This used to work and NOW does NOT.
Posted:  21 Dec 2020 17:03
When you press "Save", can you see the dialog where you can specify, if the page should be split or not? If no, press the Ctrl key when you start a page capture and keep it pressed until you see that dialog.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  22 Dec 2020 02:01
That instruction makes no sense!  I have always prior to recently clicked on my default selection  "Capture selection and save as a PDF" and got mutliple pages in my saved document when it was a longer capture of info. 

I tried using the CTRL button when I click on capture and nothing changes  STILL ONE PAGE.
Posted:  22 Dec 2020 08:19   Last Edited By: JK
I apologize for the confusion: I was meaning the SHIFT key, not CTRL.
You should see that dialog (please disregard the red frame - it's drawn for another question).
There's a "Split long screenshots to pages" option.


If you do not see that dialog, please press the SHIFT key and keep it pressed all the time unless you see it.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  22 Dec 2020 15:46
Well that works  - QUESTION why the extra step when the app figured out more pages by itself for years....
Posted:  05 Apr 2021 08:29   Last Edited By: piecevcake
Thanks for sharing that secret HERE. On 22 December 2020.
I have looked everywhere, since you REMOVED the auto page split settings I had set up, it wasnt in the settings where the help file said it was, it's not in your help file in the firefox addon (the WRONG information is), emailed you (you emailed back wrong instructions), NEVER found a solution, and had major stress from unusable huge long PDFs that PDF editors cannot even OPEN. Made fireshot completely unusable.
Please show some consideration for users who have paid for a WORKABLE product, and update your instructions when you change something.  Better still, don't remove user settings in your updates.  (Including header/foter settings which I have to keep fixing all the time.)

PS when "Display only when shift is pressed" is unticked, the dialog STILL doesnt show when using the keyboard shortcut. (ShiftCtrl_Y)

PPS the "auto" setting worked very well - on this page :)
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