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Cut out / edit of unwanted content in the editor

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Apr 2024 10:56
Some websites show / embed advertising in the content between paragraphs etc.
I could not found a feature to easily delete content after capturing while still in editor.
I solved this for now, by doing many captures of the same page and cropping the first part, then the second and so on and finally do a merge. But this is time consuming.
So, I would like to have a delete mode where you just click on the content like pictures to delete. Or an powerfull edit mode where you have a cursor and can change / delete all content i.e. text, format etc.
(There is another Addon for PDF creation which has such a function but is missing your other super features. I can name it to you if you like to have a look on this).
Thx for your great work!
Posted:  16 Apr 2024 01:55
Thank you for your suggestion. This feature is definitely worth adding. thumb_up
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