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Chrome blocks screenshot extension?

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Feb 2018 20:07
I use FS constantly and have been using it for the past few days.  Today I attempted to take a capture of an image I need from a client's site, but couldn't. (And I tried in multiple ways.) This was in FireFox.  I tried the same website in Chrome.  Still didn't work.  I noticed FireFox showed me a message for a brief half of a second but i couldn't see what it said.

In Chrome, I finally got to see the message.  It says:

Apologies, the browser has blocked some capturing features on this page.  They work on any other page.

And "any other webpage" is clickable.  when you click on it, it takes you to:

At this point, on this page, I can do screen captures again.  Some pages work, others don't.

Google home page - no.
Gmail - yes.

What's going on?
Pages: 1



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