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Can't display fireshot toolbar

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 Jun 2009 17:27
I just installed fireshot 0.77 on IE7 (Windows Vista 64 bits SP2), I see fireshot toolbar in toolbar menu, but I can't select it.

I don't know if there is a keyboard shortcut to make a screenshot, but without fireshot toolbar I can't do anything...
Posted:  31 Aug 2010 19:03
This thread has been around a while, but I have a similar experience.

I'm running the following:
- Fireshot 0.80 (Tools > Manage Add-ons  - fsaddin-0.80.dll )
- Windows XP Pro v2002 SP3
- IE 7.0.5730.13

I can select View > Toolbars and see the Fireshot toolbar and it is not greyed out so it is active, but without a check mark next to it. Then when I select it to check it nothing changes and I don't get the S button toolbar.

This has been working and I'm unaware of any IE updates on my system, although it is managed by my IT group.

Any suggestions on what to try besides removing and re-installing?
Posted:  31 Aug 2010 19:28
OK. Resolved the issue in an odd way.

I also run Firefox and so I did the following andit resovled the issue in IE.
1. Opened Firfox
2. Clicked on the drop down next to the Fireshot toolbar button.
3. Chose "Integrate int Internet Explorer"
4. Closed and re-opened IE
5. Selected View > Toolbars > Fireshot
6. The toolbar showed up and works !

Not sure what the cause of the corruption was, but glad I stumbled on this. I get good use of this tool !
Posted:  19 Mar 2014 14:14
Nice of you to share this Wilcox. I have tried this and I was able to successfully duplicate the issue.
Pages: 1

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