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Cannot save files under Vista/Windows 7

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Jul 2011 18:11

I'm unable to save the screenshots under Vista/Windows 7. The file is displayed in the file dialog, but it cannot be seen in any other file explorer windows opened. It cannot be listed even in the command prompt, and if I click on properties on the Fireshot's file save dialog, the security tab displayes error, and is empty.
Posted:  05 Jul 2011 15:15
Warning before posting bugreports: please take into account that your bugreports will be ignored if you don't include the following info about your problem:

    Plugin version (i.e. FireShot 0.45)
    OS type and version (i.e. MS Windows XP Professional SP2, English)
    Version of Firefox (i.e. Firefox/
    Steps to reproduce the bug (i.e. Start FX, open FireShot editor, create a shape and try to save - you'll get an access violation xxxxxx)

Please include as much additional info as you can because even a small detail can speed up the process of fixing the bug. Thank you for your assistance, your help is much appreciated.
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