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Cannot Activate Pro License On Linux Mint. But Free Fireshot Works Fine.

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 Sep 2024 03:36   Last Edited By: MisterRitz
1. Plugin version: FireShot 1.12.18
2. OS type and version Linux Mint 21.3, Cinnamon 6.0.4, English
3. Version of browser Mozilla Firefox for Linux Mint, mint-001 -1.0
4. Steps to reproduce the bug:
I have been enjoying the Fireshot extension I downloaded for free from here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fireshot/. And so I decided to purchase Fireshot Pro for the advanced features, and I just purchased it. .
So I purchased the pro edition and received an order number and license key. I submitted the license key here: https://getfireshot.com/download.php, and downloaded the .exe.

I then tried to run the .exe. It failed. Then I tried to run the .exe in Wine, and it failed again. It produces this message in both situations where I try to run it:

Extract: fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe
Output folder: C:\users\danny\Temp\nsd7cf.tmp
Extract: fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe
Output folder: C:\users\danny\Temp\nsd7cf.tmp\edge
Extract: fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe
Failed to open C:users\danny\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox
Create folder: 603
Copy to 603
Copy failed

4. Webpage URL causing the problem
Like I said, I can download and use the free Fireshot extension just fine. But the paid version will not install on my PC.

Thank you in advance for help,
Pages: 1



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