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Browser window jumps when chrome capture is taken.

Pages: 1
Posted:  10 Sep 2013 19:51   Last Edited By: AlanWeeks
Version : 0.98.41
Windows 7 64 bit
Chrome Version 29.0.1547.66 m


Whenever the "capture select" and "edit" is selected the browser Jumps during the capture....making the capture take in the wrong locations...see video of bug.
Posted:  11 Sep 2013 11:26
Thanks, the video is very informative. This problem is specific for the sites with the floating elements. Unfortunately I cannot provide a quick fix for this problem. A quick hack is to capture the visible part and crop it in the Editor.
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Posted:  14 Sep 2013 19:47
A quick hack is to capture the visible part and crop it in the Editor.

Thanks. This works like a half fix too since it doesn't really take much time in cropping in on the editor first.
Posted:  21 Sep 2013 14:19
Have the same problem.

I would suggest to make an option to capture the whole page slower and then it'll resolve the mislocated floating items.
Posted:  21 Sep 2013 15:36
Misread it the first time.
I thought you're reffering to something else that I'm experiencing.
Pages: 1

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