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Save as dialog window repeatedly crashes to desktop and prompts FS to revert to free version

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Apr 2020 22:54
Plugin version:
OS type and version: MS Windows 10 build 1909
Version of browser: happens on both: Firefox 75 (64 bits) / Vivaldi 3.0.1874.23 (64 bits). It used to happen on Opera as well but updating the browser fixed the issue. I updated Firefox and Vivaldi as well but the issue remains.

Steps to reproduce the bug:
1) click on Fireshot extension icon on Vivaldi or Firefox browsers. Select "save entire page" or "save entire page as PDF"
2) wait for the "save as..." dialog to show up (where you select the save destination folder)
3) Within 2-3 seconds, the save dialog will crash to desktop AND Fireshot will revert to the free version.

Uninstalling the Fireshot app from "uninstall program" on Windows 10, and reinstalling it afterwards did not solve this problem.

Webpage URL: any web page
Pages: 1



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