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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / EasyCaptures support / Support, bug reports, feature requests, etc.

We need your feedback!

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Sep 2009 16:43
Dear EasyCaptures users!

We need any feedback regarding EasyCaptures.

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  12 Jan 2010 05:53
Make your site(easycaptures.com) in other languages. (russian).
To users or other people can change themselves.
Thank you!

Translated by Google
Posted:  15 Jan 2010 16:06   Last Edited By: Cath
Not sure if I should post it here or elsewhere. Please move if necessary.

Fireshot hangs while uploading a screenshot.
Logging in into easycaptures, my previous screenshots don't show, I can only see a little box and when trying to open the screenshot/enlarging it, it hangs.
And when trying to download/save the pic to my computer it says the file doesn't exist.
Copying the direct link shows a page 404 error.
This doesn't make me happy.

Is it a bug?
Posted:  25 Feb 2010 14:09
just installed fireshot on new computer, great software, my compliments.

but when i was on the firefox add-on page i did a search for "print screen", and you do NOT appear in the search results, "screen capture", the same, you are NOT there, "screen shot", again you are NOT there.
only with "screenshot", do you appear in the search results.

i would think that you have to add a few "Tags" for the firefox search results to improve (and maybe IE8?).
the object of the exercise is after all that you guys get to the top of the list every time.

thanks again for a great program.
Posted:  21 Dec 2010 11:44
Could you PLEASE read my urgent emails?
Thanks a lot!
I can't write the problenm  in an open forum as you'll understand reading the mail.
Posted:  31 Dec 2010 16:49
Still the same urgent message.

Could there be a feature in  the albums to edit or delete comments?
Posted:  04 Jan 2011 13:37
You should really enable report and block spam accounts and delete comments.
And reading your emails.
Posted:  14 May 2011 00:06   Last Edited By: JK
Why I can't post a new thread?

After clicking on the button nothing comes out.
Posted:  15 May 2011 12:56
Sorry, can you check it again please?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  21 Dec 2011 16:02
Please make Fireshot available for Opera browser, it's a cool tool but every time I need to use it I have to open firefox and that's annoying! cause I have to copy and paste the url and wait for it to load again.
My Opera browser is open 24 x 7, and only use another browser when a web site is not compatible. I've been waiting for fireshot to support Opera for years now and still waiting. Please, many people will appreciate it! Thanks!
Posted:  02 Jan 2012 13:29
I always loved easycapture for my 'work', all my pictures uploaded and stashed at one place for when ever I needed it again.
Now I'm searching for a uploaded picture that is importent and all of the sudden I see that easycapture have deleted all my screenshots that has been taken more than a month ago.
Is there any possibility that you can turn that off?
Or by putting the screenshots in a map?
It's really frustrating for me that I've lost some importent printscreens and can't get them back.
Posted:  04 Mar 2015 22:08

It would be a great feature if I can send my screenshots to Google Drive with the generated link to share.

Posted:  31 Mar 2022 22:50
Quick question/suggestion.

The extension is called Fireshot. But in most places, the extension appears as "Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely - FireShot" e.g. in the context menu on webpages and in the extension list.

I suppose the name is like that for SEO reasons? Or is there some other reason? But it looks cluttered,  plus when you look for it the "Fireshot" part often gets cut off.

Personally I would prefer it just be called FireShot, but barring that, at the very least put the FireShot part first. So it becomes:
"FireShot - Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely".

It would also be easy to cut that down a bit and still get the message accross:
"Fireshot - Screenshot Entire Page"

This may seem nitpicky but it's something that is a bit annoying every single time.
Posted:  11 Apr 2022 23:06
Thank you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Pages: 1

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