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Pro Trial Expired. Upgrade to Keep Existing Data???

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Aug 2018 19:31
Using the latest version of Google Chrome, I attempted to take a screenshot and rather than a 'Save As' dialog box popping up, I was taken to a page saying my pro trial has expired, along with a small popup with options to either upgrade or use the lite version.

It said that in order to keep existing features and data I have to upgrade and a checkbox stating "I acknowledge that my PRO features and data within them will not be available again until I upgrade."

What does this mean?  Does it mean that my data is being held hostage until I pay to upgrade?  What data? Is it just the settings? Are all the screenshots I've taken with FS deleted from my computer?
Posted:  10 Aug 2018 08:24
Please do not worry - your screenshots are your screenshots, and you can keep using them.

The idea of the dialog is  to say, that the Pro features, and the settings relevant to these features are available only in the Pro version.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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