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How do I change the file names automatically?

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 May 2014 20:17
I am using Fireshot 0.98.53  in Windows 8 and  Google Chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 m 
I used Fireshot on Ancestry.com.   I successfully captured several screen shots but the automatically generated file names were too long so  I was not able to use Picassa photo viewer until I manually shortened the file names, also those files would not display in PaperPort until I shortened their names.   I went into the options and found a place to change the file name.  I entered the number 1 and thought it might name the next file 2 but,  now everything I capture has this same name, so each time it replaces the previous capture with the new one of the same name.  It gives no warning about overwriting a file with the same name.  How can I make it automatically give shorter names to my files?  How can I prevent it from overwriting a file with the same name? Thanks
Posted:  27 May 2014 03:11
Use %n instead cool
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Posted:  31 May 2014 18:34
Thanks. I'd also like to ask why this is not the one set at default?
Posted:  02 Jun 2014 07:18
Thank you.  %n did what I needed it to do.  In future versions it would be nice to add a warning that a file with the same name will be over written.
Pages: 1

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