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Fireshot Update Message Gets Error Message, No Update

Pages: 1
Posted:  19 Apr 2010 01:38
Version .80
OS Windows 7 64 bit
Firefox 3.5.9
To reproduce, I just click on update whenever I get a new popup window

I have a popup message say that a newer version of Fireshot .80 is available.  When I select to download the update, I get an error message that says "Error Downloading update pack.  Please check your connection settings."  I see no place to update from the program, so I am not able to get the .81 update, but keep getting the popup Windows.

BTW, I registered the product on my new computer (my old one is dead), and I have been prompted to register a second time. Annoying.  I checked, and I am able to open my editor settings, so I should be good to go.
Posted:  24 Aug 2013 16:56
Hi Rcdavis, I was just wondering if you were able to find a work around onto this by any chance.
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