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FireShot Pro doesn't safe to PDF larger than 7.49 x 5.32 in.!

Pages: 1
Posted:  10 Dec 2015 01:40
I'm using FireShot Pro - but your system isn't recognizing my license key even though it's in my profile.  (Purchased 1/16/2015)

Anyway, here 's my problem:  FireShot is only saving captures to PDF no larger than 7.49 x 5.32 inches.  I can't find anywhere to change this so it will save to something like 11 x 8.5 inches - in other words, a single page instead of two pages for even a small capture.  I've tried changing the pixels but to no avail - still two pages with the right side of the saved part cut off and turned into a second page.  Ouch!

Also, is there a way to do away with the auto-insertion of the URL and Title blocks that get placed at the top left corner of every saved PDF?  They are blocking the first 3 lines as well as the top half of the 4th line.

How can I change this so every PDF is single-page?  I'm only saving about half of the width of my browser window.
Posted:  12 Dec 2015 18:36
1. I checked the key and it seems there's a type in the "1F0A" - the correct code is "1FOA".

2. At the moment, FireShot saves PDFs only with the dimensions "1:1.41"

3. The auto-insertion can be removed in options.

4. Sorry, I do not understand the question.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Pages: 1

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