Help us spread the word about FireShot!
FireShot relies on blogs, websites and social media to get the word out about. If you’ve got a blog or site, you can help us to make a difference by spreading the word about FireShot in a number of ways:
- Are you a blogger? Please take a moment and draft a post about FireShot.
- Do you have a Twitter account (or some other type of social media)? We have created the
following “Tweet” that you can copy and paste: "Check out this screen capture extension
"FireShot". Easily capture, annotate, save and share:”.
Or you can simply click this link. - To get involved or participate you can contact us at You can also get updates via Twitter.
- If you like FireShot, please contribute by recommending us on Facebook using the widget in the footer.
- You can participate in translating FireShot into your language here: Localizations for FireShot